Editorial Lumen Palabra e Imagen (Part II)
My first post of 2008 was on the long running series of books Palabra e Imagen from Editorial Lumen out of
One note to keep in mind that is still a bit of a mystery is that someone wrote in with a title from 1975 that was supposed to be in the series called Dias de Fronteras, Dias Circo by the author Antonio Las Vegas and photos by Joan Fontcuberta. This title does not exist and the author seems to be a matter of fiction.
Fontcuberta, a man whose projects in photography have all been about weaving complex fictional narratives that pose as historical fact seems to be the prime suspect behind such a creation but Horacio Fernandez has mentioned writing to Fontcuberta who has denied being Antonio Las Vegas.
Anyway, here are the book titles and the comps. I can’t say much about them as I haven’t actually seen these titles beyond what you also see in the photos.
1. Ana María Matute, Libro de Juegos
2. Ignacio Aldecoa, Neutral Corner. Photos: Ramón Masats. Designer: Luis Clotet y Oscar Tusquets.
3. Camilo José Cela, Toreo de Salón. Photos: Oriol Maspons, Julio Ubiña. Designer: José Bonet y Oscar Tusquets.
4. Miguel Delibes, La Caza de la Perdiz Roja. Photos: Oriol Maspons.
5. Miguel Delibes, Viejas Historias de Castilla la Vieja. Photos: Ramón Masats. Designer: Hans Romberg, Oscar Tusquets.
6. Camilo José Cela, Izas, Rabizas y Colipoterras. Photos: Juan Colom. Designer: Cristian Cirici, Oscar Tusquets.
7. Alfonso Grosso, Los Días Iluminados. Photos: Francisco Ontañón. Designer: Oscar Tusquets.
8. Pablo Neruda, Una Casa En La Arena. Photos: Sergio Larrain. Designer: Toni Miserachs y Oscar Tusquets.
9. Mario Vargas Llosa, Los Cachorros. Photos: Xavier Miserachs. Designer: Oscar Tusquets.
10. Federico García Lorca, Poeta En Nueva York. Photos: Oriol Maspons, Julio Ubiña.
11. Rafael Alberti, El Libro
12. Alejo Carpentier, La Ciudad de Las Columnas. Photos: Paolo Gasparini. Designer: Mariona Aguirre y Toni Miserachs.
13. Carlos Barral, Informe Personal Sobre El Alba y Acerca de Algunas
14. Juan Benet, Una Tumba. Photos: Colita. Designer: Enric Satué.
15. Juan Ferraté, Veinticinco Poemas de Cavafis. Photos: Dick Frisell. Designer: Juan Ferraté y Toni Miserachs.
16. Julio Cortazar, Prosa del Observatorio.
17. Octavio Paz, Julián Ríos. Solo a Dos Voces. Photos: Antonio Gálvez et al. Designer: Toni Miserachs.
18. José María Caballero Bonald, Luces y Sombras Del Flamenco. Photos: Colita. Barcelona: Lumen, Palabra e Imagen, 1975.

19. Gustavo Adolfo Becquer, Rimas. Photos: Isidre Trullas.
Very special thank you to Horacio Fernandez for the information and photos of the books.